Monday, December 7, 2009

10K week -26

Biggest mistake of the week was not recording this stuff day by day.

I am going to make a minor change in the recording method as well. I'm using the app lose-it to track food and exercise and the app has the week ending on Sunday. (Weird - I know) and no way to change it. So this week will be an 8-day item:)

DayFood CaloriesExercise Calories
Week total15120-941

So, I am closer to the 1200 calorie goal for the week. The interesting thing that I found is that while I was a few hundred net calories under for the week I lost no weight. This is the issue with the slightly lower metabolism.

As I look forward to this week, it remains very busy at work and I have three Christmas lunches to attend. I do not expect to get in more than 600 - 800 calories of exercise due to high time demands.

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