Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 14

No plans for a run today - 2nd day sans caffiene! I will do something Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Potentially, I will also do something on Saturday.

Caffiene withdrawal is affecting my mood somewhat today - bit of a downer and things just seem to be more -- That is, molehills become mountains very easily.

Slight update. I walked at lunchtime up to Gord's, to get new outdoor Gel Kinsei 2's. According to Google Maps it is 2.25 K each way. There is also a height change of a few hundred feet. Took about 20 minutes to walk up there and about 15 to walk back (we'll call that 2k on the return as the lights just do not cooperate once you are downtown.) A notable point is that after the walk, my leg and hip definitely feel better.

Today I did a 20 minute walk from work towards home. Already, this week is shaping up to be better than last week. One slight issue is that I noticed my knees doing a bit of hyper extenstion during the walk. I'm not sure if it was an overuse thing, the shoe change or just random getting older issues.

Once again, though, the walk was great and very productive. Plan for the next run on Thursday.

I was quite happy to take the day off from exercise. Recovery time is soooo much longer at 52 than at 32. Ah well. One thing I do notice is that the training effect seems to take place perhaps even more quickly than it did before. That is quite nice actually.

Rest of the week
Thursday night got hooped by a last minute family dinner. Friday and Saturday were school and Sunday was recuperating (Grandchild sleepover :). On to the next week!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Week 13

As blogging has been a more than a bit sporadic, I've decided to do a weekly one. I'll just add snippets to it through the week to capture how things are going as freshly as possible.

This was the date of the previous post where I crowed about what a great running week I had the previous week. I noted that the left leg was a bit sore (not horribly so, just stiffish...). As I am working mornings and going to school in the afternoons, I decided to run on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday this week.

I woke up tired after quite a restless night. Partially heat (all the snow on the roof increased the insulation level, I think), partially too much water late at night, partially muscle fatigue. I'm thinking of delaying the Wednesday run.

Very long day at school, not home until 8:00 PM. I am cancelling the Wednesday run and will just do workouts on Friday and Sunday.

I do feel somewhat frustrated by this as I am obviously placing more importance on school / work / etc. than on fitness.

Tired, tired, tired. Intended to run - didn't. Ate well in the evening though.

Full day as school, which was great. Home by 6:00 and tired. No running, nice pasta meal for supper. Actually had a good breakfast too.

Well, got up, had a good breakfast again (Cereal, rice milk and a banana) and did the walk to the U on snowy icy sidewalks in 38 minutes. Sure does warm one up. I'm here now (yes - I know - that is fairly obvious since I am blogging :). Plan to be in a logic conference all day. Tomorrow will include cleaning the house and a treadmill session.

Treadmill happened, cleaning didn't :).

So two sessions for the week. While significantly less than I thought I would do, it is significantly more than doing nothing. On to the next week.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A great week

I took an "at home" vacation last week, and did it ever do my running a solid :).

First, we started with a walk to the U on Tuesday morning. Then, runs on the treadmill on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. This is probably the biggest week I've had this year in terms of aerobic exercise - man did it feel good.

One thing I've discovered is that as much as I intellectually love the "Cardiac Priority" work outs, doing the manual workout and watching the HR is better for my hip. (Digression - I slightly injured my hip about 20 years ago in a skiing accident. - On a green run when learning to ski. It manifests as a bit of Bursitis and very tight muscles in the upper thigh, especially the I.T. band. When running, the muscles eventually strengthen and then I no longer have hip issues).

The big reason it is better for my hip is the control over slope. On the C2 setting (Cardiac priority), there is always a positive slope. This becomes quite tiring for the leg and just doesn't work for it. When I do manual, I always do a few minutes a postive slope and 5-10 minutes of negative slope in the 30+ minute run. This tends to actively stretch the leg and it just feels better.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Outdoor walking...

Well, its looking like we can get back into it slowly now. Perhaps the weather will help. I managed an indoor run on Saturday and today walked up to the U. The walk up is quite good as it starts with 5 minutes on the flat followed by a 5 minute steep uphill course. Total workout comes to 35 minutes. I'm sure it is at least as much effort as a C2-125 30 minute.