Monday, March 30, 2009

Week 14

No plans for a run today - 2nd day sans caffiene! I will do something Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Potentially, I will also do something on Saturday.

Caffiene withdrawal is affecting my mood somewhat today - bit of a downer and things just seem to be more -- That is, molehills become mountains very easily.

Slight update. I walked at lunchtime up to Gord's, to get new outdoor Gel Kinsei 2's. According to Google Maps it is 2.25 K each way. There is also a height change of a few hundred feet. Took about 20 minutes to walk up there and about 15 to walk back (we'll call that 2k on the return as the lights just do not cooperate once you are downtown.) A notable point is that after the walk, my leg and hip definitely feel better.

Today I did a 20 minute walk from work towards home. Already, this week is shaping up to be better than last week. One slight issue is that I noticed my knees doing a bit of hyper extenstion during the walk. I'm not sure if it was an overuse thing, the shoe change or just random getting older issues.

Once again, though, the walk was great and very productive. Plan for the next run on Thursday.

I was quite happy to take the day off from exercise. Recovery time is soooo much longer at 52 than at 32. Ah well. One thing I do notice is that the training effect seems to take place perhaps even more quickly than it did before. That is quite nice actually.

Rest of the week
Thursday night got hooped by a last minute family dinner. Friday and Saturday were school and Sunday was recuperating (Grandchild sleepover :). On to the next week!

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