Sunday, May 29, 2011

A rainy week in review

Plans last week were:
  • Do Yoga 3 times
  • Walk/Cardio 3 times
  • Meditate once.

I did to Yoga twice. A 15 minute round on last Monday and a 30 minute on Saturday. The 30 minute was actually beyond me physically at this stage - so I did what I could. I can feel the difference, especially in my super-tight left leg.

No Cardio, No Meditation.

So - more specific on plans. This coming week, I will:
  • Do 30 Min of Yoga on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
  • Do 30 Min of walking on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday
  • Do 20 Min of meditation on Friday night
  • Book these in my Calendar now.
Once again, let's see how the week goes.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Four-Fold Fitness

This last week was, once again, a bit of struggle physically. Again, I seemed to need caffeine to make it through each work day - really not good.

I had the advantage of having a four day weekend to help get myself back on track, though. So, I had a massage and a chiropractic treatment on Friday. I was quite amazed how many histamines the massage sent through my system. I felt it for a couple of days. As well, this really highlighted some issues I've been having with both my sitting and standing posture. Much to much slumping, to the point of where I am throwing my back out. Rather painful adjustments is the reward for that.

Additionally, I have gathered some Yoga DVDs and starting re-reading through Wholistic Fitness by Steve Ilg. This is a rather fascinating approach to getting and staying fit, which incorporates:
  • Cardio
  • Strength Training
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
These days, I doubt there are many people that would be surprised at including the first two. The third, Yoga, appeals to some, although it is still seen as primarily an exercise regime for women, at least in "good ol' boy" places like Calgary :). Dude - try holding one of the warrior poses for a few minutes.

The fourth is probably the most surprising on the list. For me, when I was actually running long distances in training for the marathon, this just came naturally as part of the run. The part that will push me is that I haven't set aside actual time for this for years.

So, it is time to give it a go. The actual program calls for multiple hours per day of commitment. I am not going to do that. I am going to commit to adding it in all its facets to my day. (say goodbye TV :)

This week, I am going to add Yoga three times and walking (Cardio) three times. I will also meditate once. No strength training.

Next week - update on how that went and what the next week will hold.

Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm struggling, yet improving

Over the past year, physical fitness really just hasn't been a priority with me. I'm really finding this is taking a toll.

I'm 54 now and as my doc said "If you don't add to the bank account, eventually you run out".

I can see that in how I felt this morning. My desire these days is to get up at 5:00 or 5:30, work for an hour or two and then take the bus in to work.

My body would just not co-operate. The alarm went off at 5:30 and I felt like I could not move. I managed to reset the alarm to 6:30 and eventually got up about 6:20. I had to get my sweetie to give me a ride into work, rather than taking the bus, as I still feel too dizzy.

Not good.

So – what do I do about it?

I have been gradually and intermittently adding yoga to my life. None last week as I was fighting off a flu after a visit with the younger grandkids, but I did it 3 times the week before. A nice side benefit of yoga is that my leg starts feeling better everytime I do it.

I'm going to post how I'm doing on this every week. If I have to put it in writing, that will help motivate me.

That's all. Very simple, no grandiose plans, no schedules, no 3 month goal.

Let's see what happens.