Friday, January 2, 2009

Setting it up

I am a marathoner.

I say that as I have successfully completed 4 marathons over the years.

I am not too active of a marathoner though.

About 10 years ago, I started having trouble keeping my running energy up. Over the past 10 years I've been plagued with a plethora of minor injuries, sore spots, lack of will power and too much weight. Right now I am 210 pounds and 29% fat. With a height of 6', this gives me a BMI of 28.5, solidly in the overweight (But not obese, thankfully) category.

My marathon running weight is 165, making a BMI of 22.4.

I had decided three years ago to train for the Hawaii marathon as it runs right near my birthday and I thought that would be a great 50th birthday present to myself. Didn't happen. Similarly, exercise for the last two years has succumbed to job/school pressures, TV watching, life and whatever.

In the last month, however, I feel like I've made some solid progress. One of the biggest issues with running for the past while has been pain in my legs and hips. My sweetie finally got me to see a chiropracter and massage therapist. So, I am now going about every 10 days, doing about 30 minutes (or more) of stretching daily and my legs are beginning to feel better.

Tomorrow, I'm going treadmill shopping.

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